B. inggris Ubahlah kalimat di bawah ini menjadi kalimat pasif: 1. We have drunk 3 glasses of tea 2. I am thinking about you 3. She reads some books 4. He wrote a letter yesterday ethelrempelulv – June 05, 2023
B. inggris write Topix sentences based on the following : a. deforestation b. Juvenile delinquency c. healthy food d. waste management ethelrempelulv – June 05, 2023
B. inggris menyusun kata bahasa Inggris 1. why - go - hospital - you - di - the - to - ? =2. broken - i - a - arm - had =3.cavity - he - a - had = ethelrempelulv – June 04, 2023
B. inggris BUATLAH MENJADI KALIMAT NEGATIF DAN KALIMAT TANYA1. I was an elementary school two years ago.2. My mother cooked pizza two days ago3. They bought a new bike yesterday4. We were happy yesterday5. She ate meatballs last weektolong kak ethelrempelulv – June 01, 2023
B. inggris Conversation 4 Mamat: Do you know who was at the party? Matali: Udin ... there. So was Minah. Mamat: Siti and Boi there? Matali: No, they weren't there. But their son was Mamat: Oh, I see. So, was it fun? ethelrempelulv – March 08, 2023